Green Island to Nelson's Dockyard

John and Sally
Sat 20 Mar 2010 13:54
Had a productive couple of days at anchor doing jobs. Best way because the breeze through the boat drops the temp noticeably. Main engine oil change, turn round of all the cabins, etc. Now back in Nelson's dockyard about 20ft from the bar so should be ok to get back at night (see pic).
The Atlantic rowers continue to come in. Now 76 days at sea. Pic is of the 4 French girls as they arrived. I crew we spoke to spent 10 days on the sea anchor (a type of parachute in the water) to stop them being blown backwards. Ugh.
Last phot is of the most imaginative way to take your dog for a walk. The dog jumps off the canoe for a swim when they get near their boat and barks like crazy if the canoe leaves him behind. When they left the anchorage the dogs perch was right in the bows for the best view.
James is on his way, despite the BA strike, with Nick to follow in 6 days time. Looking forward to a full crew again!!
John & Sally

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