
John and Sally
Wed 23 Dec 2009 20:08
12:52.689N 61:11.361W
After a very rolly night in Friendship Bay, Bequia
we set sail this morning for Mustique, only 7 miles away. Good conditions but a
20kts of wind reach so two reefs and #2 genoa. Spanked along at 7.5kts so got
there in an hour.
You can see why people rave about the place. Went
for a drive around the island and it is stunning as are the homes of Celine
Dion, Mick Jagger, Bryan Adams, Tommy Hilfiger, etc.
Plan to stay tonight and then off to the Tobago
Cays for Christmas.
Whilst many of our readers I know are suffering in
the cold spare a thought for us - the ice is hard to keep frozen as is the meat
and fish for Christmas plus you have to keep swimming every hour to stay
Have added three phots. One is Juniper anchored
under one of the Pitons in St Lucia the next is the two Pitons from sea. The
third is Juniper today anchored in Mustique.
Off to Basil's bar.....