Homeward Bound 52 28.3N 01 46E

Sailing south from Eyemouth into England conditions were windy so sadly we were unable to stop at Holy Island or the Farne Islands. We arrived at Amble, a small attractive town lying at the mouth of the river Coquet and with a good marina. It gained the reputation as 'the friendliest port' in the 1930s when Amble Council sent the RMS Mauretania a message on its last voyage to the wreckers yard, 'Still the finest ship on the seas', and they replied with greetings, ‘ to the last and friendliest port in England'. It is indeed friendly with a long and pretty high street and a harbour surrounded by long beaches. Further up the estuary is the town of Warkworth which boasts an impressive castle From Amble we sailed south to a brief stop at Hartlepool. The marina is unexciting situated away from the main part of the town in a rather drab dock from where coal was once exported. Most of the industry here has gone long ago except a few miles south Redcar was busy making steel but even that industry is under threat. A much more interesting town was Scarborough. The harbour is attractively located in the centre of town and is very much a working harbour busy with fishing boats coming and going. Gryphon II rafted up at the harbour wall. Unlike Lowestoft, Scarborough still appears to have a thriving tourist trade so this pleasant town looked prosperous and busy.
After a couple of nights we continued southward. Our last stop was under Spurn Point where we anchored and spent a rather rolly night before the long haul back to Lowestoft. We made a very early start and like our flag we arrived bedraggled and tired but elated to have completed our world tour. Entering Lowestoft Harbour after six years sailing around the world.