UK 2012

We returned mid-January to a cold UK and installed ourselves in what once would have been called “digs” with our landlord Andrew close to beautiful Port Sunlight Village. It proved an excellent choice as we set about trying to find a more permanent home on the Wirral so that we could be close to Lorraine’s mum. The intention was to spend a few months at home before returning to the Far East to continue our cruise.
Sadly we were overtaken by events when Edie had a fall in the garden of her care home, breaking her hip. She went into hospital where she remained for 4 long months; Lorraine was warned that many people of Edith’s age did not survive a major accident like this as complications often set in. Although her hip repaired itself relatively quickly she experienced continuing infections including one of the “hospital bugs” after which she found it difficult to eat and lost all interest in food. Lorraine visited hospital every day and tried to help with her eating, she found it hard to see her mum in decline. Twice she was called in by the consultant as the outlook seemed very unfavourable and there were many fraught sessions with the registrar but Edie pulled through. However, she became increasingly confused which meant that she was often unhappy. Fortunately there were visits from Hattie and Peter during this low time which lifted her spirits and although she became very weak she gradually became more tranquil. Eventually she was able to come off the ever constant drips and was discharged from hospital in mid-May. We had found an excellent nursing home with round the clock care and just a few minutes from where we are now living. Despite eating hardly anything Edith seemed so much happier than when in hospital and had excellent care. Harriet was able to visit and things seemed to be improving. Then In the meantime we had found a nice little flat not far from where Edie was living, which became ours on April the 1st. Despite the date it has proved a good buy being close to the shops and bus routes into Liverpool and Birkenhead and close to the train station and the motorway. We have gradually made alterations and decorated it over the months and it is now in good condition to act as our UK base for when we return in the future. We have moved in the majority of our furniture too, which previously was stored at our house in Lowestoft and flat in Norwich. Peter, our son, returned from Malaysia shortly before us and set about doing an online TEFL course determined to get back out to the east. Within days of finishing it in April he had offers from 3 employers in China and Indonesia. He found it difficult to decide on where to go but in the end plumped for Kunshan near Shanghai where he remains to this day. He has thoroughly enjoyed the experience so far and especially enjoys teaching younger children which has surprised everybody including him. He finds Chinese almost impossible to learn (especially when compared to the Indonesian language) but fortunately there are 2 other UK teachers in his school and a number of classroom assistants who speak good English. The upshot of Peter’s virtual emigration is that we have now let our flat in Norwich through the City Council to give us another income. This has so far proved a good option for us as they guarantee the rent, will organise any maintenance for us and keep an eye on the tenant. We have both been trying to sort out health issues too whilst home. In my case I have had an eye operated on to remove an epi-retinal membrane. This was causing distortion to the vision of the eye which cannot be corrected by lenses. The operation was scary but painless and gradually the eye has improved. Although not great it is better than it was. It does not cause me much problem…but I would be severely hampered if the other eye had a similar problem. Lorraine meanwhile has had laser surgery on both eyes as she was showing the first signs of glaucoma which in this case is an inherited condition. This has been successful but may need to be done again in the future. She has also had keyhole surgery on her left knee which has improved things for her. Like my eye it is not perfect and the right knee which she had “done” in 2009 will almost certainly need more attention before too long. On a more positive note, between hospital visits, operations, flat renovation, winding up Edie’s estate etc. we have had some lighter sides to life whilst home. It has been such a pleasure to see our relatives and catch up on the family news. Walking to Hilbre Island in the Dee Estuary One of the real delights has been seeing Hattie more regularly. She continues to do well in her job and seems never to sit still for a moment. Her free time is taken up by endless social events from seeing bands to the many weddings of her friends. A highlight for her was the Notting Hill Carnival where she played in a Brazilian drum band for 8 hours on 2 consecutive days! I have had some time away too with Tim both walking with Duke of Edinburgh students in Yorkshire and Scotland, and without students canoeing off the coast of Anglesey.
In September we had a week on a narrow boat on the Rochdale Canal. This proved an enjoyable experience in mixed weather. Some of the canal is very beautiful but there are rather a lot of industrial buildings lining the canal side. Very different boating to our normal life ….it is a pleasure not to have to use a dinghy to get ashore! Also during the autumn I managed to meet up with brother in law Geoff at Lake Bala and had a sail on the Mirror dinghy in which I learnt to sail 45 years ago…. both of us still going strong!
Our boat is calling and we are champing at the bit waiting to go. We are held up by a legal matter as we are buying the half of Edith’s house inherited by Lorraine’s brother, hopefully this will be finalised very soon. Fortunately this house is already let to an excellent tenant who will stay put so that is already sorted. |