
Gryphon II
Chris and Lorraine Marchant
Fri 5 Sep 2008 09:48
Sadly we have decided we are going to postpone our
trip until the spring.
Lorraine has had a bad knee for some time which
became dramatically worse when we were in London for Hattie's (our daughter)
25th birthday. As a result we have visited the doc and L has been
referred to a specialist. It seems that it is something a bit more serious
than originally diagnosed which has reached a critical point. It may mean an
injection or something more interventionist. Whatever it would
be silly to go on.
Actually the weather has been so bad that we would
be struggling to get westward anyway. As I speak we are moored in Lymington at
the town quay with the wind whistling around and the rain pouring down. The sky
is the the usual sodden grey, decks awash with rain water rather than sea water
and the dinghy will need emptying before we can go ashore. We have become
very accustomed to howling rigging over the last weeks as the strong south
westerly winds are ever present. It's certainly good to have wind, we could just
do with a lot less!
Whilst waiting for NHS progress, we have
managed to spend a lot of time with my aged mum which is good, and have been
able to borrow her car for transport.
At the moment we are still coming to terms with the
knee problem but we shall probably return to Lowestoft for the winter and live
on board either on the club moorings, if we can, or at the marina.
On a more positive note, we can make a much
earlier start next year and will make the best of things by spending longer on
the way south and spending more time en route...for instance spending time in
North West Spain or possibly even Ireland. Sorry to disappoint all those well
wishers who were following our progress!
We still hope to make to the Channel Islands where
we were going to pick up some more gear and are not in a hurry to return
just yet. The Indian summer is just around the corner - hopefully!
Chris and Lorraine.