Terceira 38 39N 27 13W

Gryphon II
Chris and Lorraine Marchant
Fri 3 Jul 2015 21:41
We arrived at Terceira a few days ago and have mainly
been busy getting the boat ready for the next passage to Ireland which we
start tomorrow.
As we don’t have time to write a full blog here are a
few photos to whet the appetite. We hope to write some more in the quiet weather
that is forecast for our trip.
Beautiful main street
Fairy tale church. Lots of the buildings are decorated like this but in a multitude of colours, they look like perfectly iced cakes most of the time.
Improbable fumaroles, hot and sulphurous.
Rocky coastline hiding natural bathing pools, there are two here.
Pleasant marina
Stunning gardens full of birdsong and
the croaking of frogs
Postcard writer
Small car and large man
We have spent time here in the Azores with some of the nicest and most honest people in the world.