Heading North for Boat Work N03 50 117 E100 44 202

Gryphon II
Chris and Lorraine Marchant
Mon 13 Jan 2014 09:11
on the move toward Pangkor 30 miles north. Last night we anchored in the Bernam
River with its strong fast tides and numerous fishing boats moored off a few
large villages on the banks. Below is a snapshot of our chart for today, Bernam
is the most southerly river and we were anchored about 5 miles in from the
estuary. We’ve anchored here before, it looks ideal and is quite sheltered but
the water rush of the ripping tide can be quite loud and it did wake the skipper
last night. We left early to catch the tide on the ebb and have had nearly four
knots carrying us out into the Strait, the ebb is continuing north so we should
have another 2 hours with us as we head for Pangkor. Such a treat, it will cut
our journey time down considerably.
On the
chart Gryphon II is the red circle leaving the estuary, the blue line shows our
course and waypoints plotted through the shallower waters along the coast. There
were dozens of fishing boats and birds dominating the estuary this morning.
Pulau Pangkor is the large island between Pulau Pangkor Laut and the river going
up to Tanjung Hantu. Near our final waypoint between Pulau Pangkor and the
mainland an artificial island has been built over sand shoals, not shown on this
chart. Malaysia is constantly reclaiming land from the sea and this artificial
island is our destination – Pangkor Marina Island.
This Marina has haul out facilities and a good boat yard. It will be
our home for a few months as Gryphon II needs lots of work, we know the staff
there and are confident of their support. The boat is ten years old this year
and our insurers require her to be re-rigged; the rigging pack is en route from
France together with a new set of guard wires which we feel she needs. That will
take some time and we may have to take the mast down but not sure yet. Hauling
out is essential as the hull was last antifouled in October 2012, it has done
well in this climate but the barnacles keep trying to get a hold as well as the
weed. The top sides need a professional polish, various scrapes where local
boats have come along side need taking out and some gel coat cracks need
sorting. As well as all this we shall be flying off to China again in late March
to visit Peter, it is a relatively easy journey from here and as we think we
shall be leaving S.E. Asia this year we need to take advantage.
So a busy time ahead, thankfully it is a bit cooler now we are in the
N.E. monsoon season and there seems to be less humidity. Its 28˚ this morning and
Chris says he feels chilly so perhaps all the work will
warm things
up. |