New Zealand Update

Many apologies for the long delay for the latest update of our travels. We have been moored at Gulf Harbour near Auckland for the last 3 months while we have been flying home and travelling the length and breadth of the South Island of this amazing country. Soon after arriving at Gulf Harbour we finally met Lorraine's aunt Jean and cousin Jill neither of whom she had seen for 50 years. It is a real pleasure to meet relatives that you have not seen in years and makes me wish that we could return via Canada to see my long lost cousins. I was concerned as to how we would recognise Jean. Lorraine assured me that that would not be a problem as she is a born Gater and therefore looks like all the other sisters. She does! We really enjoyed visiting Jean who cooked a wonderful welcome meal for us – lovely. A day out sight seeing together and the 50 years seemed to fall away. We also had a good time with cousin Jill and husband Charles including visiting their lifestyle plot. Their house is an attractive single story wooden building as so many New Zealand homes are. However, what was a bit unusual is that the house has not always been on this plot but has been moved on the back of a lorry twice! Moving house in New Zealand sometimes means just that! They have a small holding with room for 2 cows and 2 horses. The season caught up with the animals and by the time we returned after Christmas one of the cows was in the freezer!
We flew home in late November to see our families. We returned to chaos with a tube strike in London and one of the coldest Decembers on record. The time went too quickly as we sped about the country seeing Hattie, Peter, our siblings and Lorraine's mum who was looking good for 86.
A highlight of the visit was the do that took place in London celebrating my mum's life with all the far flung family in attendance. We also spent a quiet Christmas at my sister Margaret's and brother in law Geoff's house....along with 15 others! A busy time giving opportunity to catch up with Margaret and Geoff, their children and grandchildren and our own children.
A happy Christmas despite the icy blast, thanks
Margaret and Geoff. Thanks to our children for making such a long journey in
such difficult weather. Too soon it was time to return to the warmth and slower pace of life in New Zealand. We had a few days back aboard before starting our land travels but first, a very unexpected wedding. Our friend's James and Lucy were having to return home for medical treatment so had decided to tie the knot whilst still here...after some 20 years together! The ceremony took place at a local celebrant's house on a beautiful day in a lovely garden. It was a shorts and sandals event and just excellent.
Sadly their boat is now up for sale so it will be a while before we see them again. |