Too Much Salt Water S18 55 794 E069 53 071

30 May 2014 Today has been extremely strenuous. One cannot stand up unless holding on to grab rails whilst the arms are jarred in their sockets when moving from place to place to get to chart table, to galley, to settee berth, to stern cabin for a rest, or out into the cockpit. The swell is just hateful with lots of white horses and some truly enormous waves. Sitting in the cockpit is nigh on impossible as waves are coming right over the boat and every now and then they land in the cockpit usually around the stern end. One of these whoppers broke right over the cockpit and dumped all it had on us which was plenty. The cockpit was awash, seats soaked and everything bathed in salt. Somehow this wave managed to get right under the sprayhood and down onto the steps inside but most maddeningly it got down the hatch into the stern cabin which we keep open for ventilation whilst sleeping off-watch. Those who have slept in this cabin will know that the hatch is fairly fool-proof being under the sprayhood and opening toward the front of the boat so therefore protected from the cockpit as the hatch cover is in the way. Nevertheless water was dumped on our bed! In these sailing conditions the senses are on high alert and this was dealt with fast stripping off sheet and mattress cover to reveal a barely damp mattress which was sponged off with fresh water and up ended in the main cabin to dry off. Dealing with this nonsense in these conditions is jolly annoying and awkward but all is well, just loads of laundry again and a struggle to make the bed up. It would be nice if this swell added to our speed, it does not. In fact we seem to have tide against us instead of with us as expected. 31 May 03:30 Night watch. The wind has dropped, it is now just 11 knots but the swell has not subsided and Gryphon has been slopping around noisily so I have just started the engine and we are motoring along at 6+ knots. Hopefully the skipper will be able to sleep better. It’s very black with no moon and there must be heavy cloud cover as I can see only one or two stars. Will be glad to see daylight on this last day of May, I wonder if it is a bank holiday in England? |