Drake, Cook, Chichester, Chris and Lorraine.

Well perhaps we are not quite in their company but do have a great sense of achievement that we have completed what only a few people manage to do each year. We believe about 100 cruising yachtsmen complete a circumnavigation each year, about 10 or less boats from the UK.
We have reached Grenada and completed the circle having arrived here at the start of our journey in 2009. In the last 12 months since leaving Malaysia we have covered 12,500 miles and in the last 6 years something over 45,000 miles…. and we still have a few thousand before we cross the Atlantic again to reach the UK.
The variety of places we have visited is mind boggling but here are just a few reminders.
With Hattie and peter in Tobago cays 2010
Being reminded of how fortunate we are whilst in Colombia.
Arguing with sea lions in the Galapagos.
Sailing across the Pacific.
Being greeted by dolphins on our arrival in New Zealand.
Discovering the delights of Asia.
Being welcomed by everyone old and young wherever we have been.
The delights of the underwater world.
Visiting some of the most scenic places in the world....
..... and some of the least spoilt.
It has been the journey of a lifetime. We have been privileged to meet a few of the world’s most friendly and resourceful people, some in very isolated places and others in places vibrant with life. We have had the pleasure of the company of our fellow circumnavigators and congratulate them all. There have not been any really major incidents for us to worry about and our boat has served us very well indeed, it has carried us around the world!
Many are asking us what next? Well we have yet another Atlantic crossing to make via the Azores back to the UK this year. We will keep you updated.