PulauTingii to Pulau Babi Tengah via Babi Besar N02 28 74 E103 57 25

Gryphon II
Chris and Lorraine Marchant
Fri 10 May 2013 10:35
From Tingii
we made our way to Pulau Besar where we stopped for lunch and a swim then
carried on to a good anchorage lying snugly between Pulau Babi Tengah and Pulau
Babi Hujung. We were taken by surprise in the night when a swell got up in 18
knots of wind and our sleep became difficult. Chris slept out in the cockpit but
it’s not ideal as the berths are narrow and a good roll can send you plummeting
to the floor. Morning light was welcome so we could move
on. |