Updates and News from Other Boats

Updates and News from Other Boats All our blogs back to 18th May have now been updated with their photographs as a Rodrigues SIM card has enabled us to have excellent WIFI. Sun is shining, rain seems a distant prospect and we have recovered from sleep deprivation. We haven’t been on one but the buses here are fun.
We realise how lucky we have been after hearing from 3 yachtie friends on long passages. One coming here but 3 days behind us has a torn genoa and has to use a smaller sail, a leaking rudder bearing which caused a minor flood and broken lower shroud which helps to support the mast. We have spare wire from our re-rigging so may be able to help when they arrive. Two have broken auto pilots which means they have to hand steer, one for 10 days from Chagos to Madagascar and one for 5 days off the coast of Namibia where they eventually got it welded. We thank goodness that we have ‘George’ our Hydrovane because it will steer if the electronics fail us and also provides a 2nd rudder should anything ever happen to the boat’s rudder. Nevertheless we will check everything once again before setting off on our next leg to Mauritius.