Lymington 50 45.5N 001 32W

Gryphon II
Chris and Lorraine Marchant
Fri 22 Aug 2008 07:16
We have now reached Lymington after some high winds
and rough passages via Eastboune, Chichester Harbour and Cowes. We have had no
less than Force 5s (bloody windy to the uninitiated) and apart from one
excellent rapid passage from Eastboune to Chichester we have had to beat to
On Wednesday we made the short trip from Cowes to
Lymington and had over 30 knots of wind for a part of the time which kicked up a
good Solent chop against the west running tide. The good news is the boat
performs well and is comfortaable in these conditions except for a bit of
slamming when the flat forward sections of the hull slap down.