Jersey 49 10 N 002 12 W
Gryphon II
Chris and Lorraine Marchant
Tue 16 Sep 2008 20:26
We have spent the last week in Jersey doing boaty
type jobs and also now the weather has improved being tourists by land and sea.
Today we visited a bay called Beau Port and anchored for a walk ashore, a row
and believe it or not a swim! The beach was almost deserted and had loads of
rockpools alive with creatures. The water was atouch cold ...but we
On Sunday we visited Gerald Durrell's zoo, and
admired the gorillas and orangutans most of all. All the animals seeemed very
content and in excellent enclosures.The day before we visited the "Jersey War
Tunnels", a moving museum in some war time tunnels dug by slave labour during
the occupation of Jersey in WW2. Most of the museum is devoted to how the
islanders coped with occupation and the harsh conditions that they experienced
especially later in the war.