The Maratua Lagoon N02 14.814 E118 37.712

In the Horseshoe Maratua with its protected lagoon, the entrance channel can be seen between the reefs at the top of the picture next to the island.
Leaving Derawan early enabled entry into the channel in good overhead light so that we could see the reef clearly and we were able to go deep into the bay just off the village to find a good anchorage on really firm sand. Inside it was calm and flat, not a ripple to indicate we were on the water. The whole place was delightful. I landed at a pretty little village, which was full of kids who were intrigued by this tall white guy with the big nose… lots of “hello mister”. They followed me around and were delighted when I started playing “grandmother’s footsteps" with them and making them all jump when I turned around. White dragon man obviously. The snorkelling was good too with the water especially clear on the fast running flood tide. It was possible to just lie in the water and travel across the reef at a good speed with no effort whatsoever.
Sadly Lorraine was unable to participate in any of this as she had developed a very nasty chest infection from a cold that everyone in the fleet of boats at Derawan had caught. Lorraine has a theory that the baby turtles we helped release at Derawan may have had a virus that they are known to carry sometimes when kept in artificial environments where the water is too warm. Both of us have had a nasty cold and horrid cold sores so it is certainly possible. Anyway this was an extremely peaceful and restful place to be when not feeling very well. |