Plodding Along

Our position at 12 00 on 28 June is 38:38.3N 034:24.3W . We have about 273 nm to run to Horta in the Azores and we have completed 66 nm in the last day. Fourteen full days completed
27 June – Today was a close hauled afternoon making reasonable speed. Then in the early evening the wind changed through 180 degrees and we are on a run. This is a feature of light airs sailing here with forecast weather being affected by local atmospherics. We are in the area of the great Azores high and the area around the Azores is notorious for light air conditions. We are just experiencing some of these effects and we are having to work for every mile,
June 28 – Steady progress can describe last night. It wasn’t unpleasant with lots of stars plus the regular midnight feast to pass the time.
09 00 and we are goose wings on a starboard run. Doing only 2.5 kts but this is picking up a bit now. Mileage today isn’t spectacular but we are getting there. We have run out of bought bread so its another baking day. In about two days time we are going to pass close to Flores. If the forecast we propose to get today proves to be dismal we have the option of pulling in there and waiting for something better. However, if we have much the same as we are getting now we will just press on. We are not likely to run out of stables (P&Os) and we have plenty of water. We have two packs of ginger nuts and a small cerk on the nimbles front. |