37:07.30N 11:38.98W

The Travels of Running Tide
Mick Norman
Sun 30 Sep 2012 10:33
We set off at 10 30 on Sat from Cascais with the promise of 4 and 5s. We got them and more. The wind was consistently F6 with bits or 7 and 8 thrown in for good measure. The seas were mountainous at times but mainly big rollers. These were Ok most of the time as we rode them. However occasionally RT and the wave fell out. On two occasions green ones crept aboard and drown the unfortunate crew and filled the cockit swimming pool. Who says centre cockpits are always dry. We set off with main and head sail, were soon down to double reefed main then just head sail then reefed headsail.
Anyway its Sunday morning and all is well the wind is a reasonable 15 / 18 Kn from the north and we are working on full head sail and mizen. The trusty mizen that saw us all the way across Biscay.
In the 24hrs since we started we have made 140nm so quite pleased with that.
Still having problems with water getting in when healing over to port. its a puzzle so still investigating.
Weather cloudy but warm, could do witha bit of sunshine to dry out.