
Paul Huntley
Fri 26 Jun 2009 12:52

50:47N 01:07W

26th June 2009

Hi to you all.

We had a windless day motoring from Weymouth to Yarmouth I.O.W. arriving at 20:30 hrs and going on to the pile moorings. We hailed the water taxi to take us ashore to hit the Kings Head kitchen just before they shut. If you ever get to Yarmouth, its great food and excellent service at reasonable prices.

The thunder was rolling around in the west and the rain soon followed lashing down on the decks like a drum beat.

Waking early, Guy cooked up a breakfast in a bun. With the tide flooding we to climbed into our Mustos on this dull, drizzly morning for the first time since the Atlantic storms. Again the wind has deserted us and we slipped our lines waiting only for an Army landing craft to enter harbour allowing us leave and set a course on a strongly flooding tide to Cowes and Portsmouth.

With a strong tide under our keel we passed Cowes eight knots we arrived in Gosport by noon and went alongside a comfortable berth in Gosport Marina.

The first priority for Dave and Guy was to go ashore and get a shower, I prefer the heads onboard.  Having now run out of shirts I had to get to the launderette for a wash before home.

We will be leaving here at 07:00 hrs in the morning to get to the Looe channel by the first of the flood to take us past Selsey Bill, Bognor and on to Shoreham and Brighton for Saturday night.

We hope to leave on the early flood on Sunday morning and should be locking into Sovereign Harbour between 11:00 and 12:00. I think it will be an emotional time coming to the end of the voyage. I think I will need a time ashore to appreciate being home again. Libertad is in the best condition she has ever been, having had so much attention over the last year.

I will try and round off these blogs in a few days when things have settled down a little.

Best wishes Paul