In the Doldrums

Paul Huntley
Mon 11 May 2009 22:10
Hi to you all I thought I might share with you all
the geographical spread of our blog readers, It seems we have a very
international group, Past crew members and famlily in Melbourne and
Ewan,s family in Geelong ,Australia, Goodday to you all down
under,Toronto ,Canada is another link to past crew. We now have several avid
followers in Greenville ,South Carolina,you have a nice day you all.Links
with the UK are the strongest from Helensborugh in Argyle Scotland,Hi Dave and
Helen,to a group of post graduates from Lancaster, Drew send his best wishes, is
Lancaster somewhere north of London? Guy has a big following at
Eastbourne Lifeboat Station,hi Mark( Coxsain),Mark ( second mechanic),Dan(
mechanic),Ian third Coxswain, Atlantic Dave,(Senior Helm) Dick, Mark,
Muver( Second Coxswain),Paul (LOM) Mark,Paul (DLA), John,(DLA) Aidie
(go save lives),Rod,Sue, (Keep that kettle boiling),Terry(LSSO) and all the rest
of the crew,please pass on our best wishes to them at the next grew meeting and
ofcourse the local Ambulance stations in and around Eastbourne, If they are all
reading our blogs you may have to wait a while for these emergency services to
respond ! Our friends from ULA are now back home waiting for the delivery crew
to return her to her home port of Gosport so they can sail this
summer in home waters, greetings from all on Libertad to John and Jackie
and family. We are also forging strong links with Paris, France,Luciens family
are all hooked waiting for the next episode Bonjour Simone, Happy birthday
from us all on Libertad Celine, your dads doing great.My mate Chris in Horam
Sussex has been making remarkable progress after a a serious piece of
surgery,Hope the blogs are helping.Dave an Sue in Heathfild are also keen
readers ,Dave will be joining us in Falmouth for the trip back to Eastbourne.
get that bag packed Dave! Graham and Chris in Bath have been following our
progress as have Pete and Gina in Devon.Ken and Margaret ,and ofcourse my
family,Corrie,Sarah,Emily,Tim and Kirsty have all spent some time in the
Caribbean on Libertad and are now following their own dreams.Emily is off to
Australia again in a few weeks,Sarahs working with her first love,horses over
the summer trying to chose a future carreer path.
We have now had more than two thousand hits so if I
haven't mentioned you drop us a line on libertad (at)
We have been mototing for more than twenty four
hours now with little of no wind, we hope that if the forecast is correct we may
move through the front in to a south westerly air flow of 15/20
We are closing on Bermuda with a e.t.a of sometime
tomorrow evening, probably after dark, I am somewhat concerned the chart
alongside Bermuda has in large magenta letters AREA TO BE AVOIDED .Our
skills at precise navigation will be tested to the limit with many off lying
dangers in the form of reefs and wrecks, The entrance to St Georges Harbour
is a narrow cut which the pilot warns should not be attempted unless you have
made contact with Bermuda Radio who will assist with a radar plot.
With only a 170 nm to run we are all looking
forward to a little shore leave before
setting off on the longest leg to the Azorian islands some 1800 nm away.I will
leave my next blog until we are in port so until then
Best wishes to you all, Paul,Guy, and the crew of