The welcome cool of the night.

56:09.67W Monday
15th December. Good
evening to you all. It is Saturday evening and my watch has just begun. We
have been sailing for more than nine hours under spinnaker alone achieving
speeds to 7 knts.It has been a wonderful day ,a little cooler than yesterday
with a light covering of sparse cumulus nimbus clouds keeping the temperature
down a degree or two. The forecast was for the trade winds to be disrupted and
they certainly were for twenty four hours but today they have been blowing
steadily from the east at 12/15 knts.As can be seen by our longitude we are now
a 56 degrees west, just another five degrees to St Lucia and 270 our
west. It
is now 00:20 UTC and 22:20 local (Zulu) I will put the clocks back a further
hour in the morning and another hour when we arrive in St Lucia, Eastern
Caribbean time is four hours behind U.T.C/G.M.T. In
the late afternoon Bob had a tug on the fishing line, a ten pound Tuna no less,
It was gaffed by Dave and brought on board, this beautiful fish was photographed
before being cut into steaks and cooked and served at dinner by
James, having been lightly fried in olive oil and served with Penne pasta
and Pesto sauce with fresh squeezed limes over the top, what a meal! This was
followed by white pears and custard as a treat. As you can tell life is getting
tough out here. A real team effort. Dave’s
wife and two children left Eastbourne at 05:00 to drive to Gatwick and fly
to St Lucia for their Christmas holiday, they hope to meet their dad when he
arrives, it won't be long now Ryan and Jade, and we are almost there. It seems a
little strange that they have travelled the same distance in just a few hours
that has taken us more than three weeks. On
the SSB this morning we had a distress alert for a yacht some three hundred
miles behind us that was running out of food and water and the nearest yacht
turned around to rendezvous with him and assist. The
moon is now one night passed full, but rising quickly in the eastern sky
directly over our stern, the stars are appearing one by one. The first to show
is Venus; I think I can spot Riga to the south and the group known as Plough to
the south east. This
has been our twenty first day at sea and I think we will all be glad of
some shore leave, Dave and his family are spending two weeks in St
Lucia until the new year, Nick has to return to the U.K. on the 18th and
James flies to Puerto Rico, Los Angeles and Melbourne on the 22nd.Bob and I
fly out to cold, wet, Gatwick on the 23rd .I am sure we are all looking forward
to Christmas with our loved ones. What of Libertad, She will be locked up for
just a few weeks here in Rodney Bay, Bob and Lynne return on the 1st Feb to
spend a few weeks in paradise I
will return on the 2nd March with Tim and Sarah to sail down to St Vincent,
Mustique, and the Tobago Keys before turning north and island hopping to
Martinique, Dominica, Antigua, St Kitts and Nevis and The British Virgin
Islands. My
Mother has been very ill of late with a prolonged spell in hospital, she has
recover to some extent but is still very frail, we will be celebrating her
90th birthday on the 7th January 2009 another reason to be home for a
while. Well
I think that is about all for today I will write some more
tomorrow. Love
and best wishes, Paul (Libertad) |