When the wind blows!!

45:35.59W Wednesday
10th December 2008 Good
morning its 11:00 am your time and 09:00 am our time, We have now
crossed longitude 45 degree West and the ships clocks have gone back
another hour, so now we are two hours behind U.T.C. In
yesterdays blog I might have mentioned that the Atlantic weather forecast shows
the Azores High re-establishing itself to our north. We are way down at 15
degrees north and the high's rotate in a clockwise direction, so are
picking up the east winds on the southern sector. These are the prevailing winds
at this time of the year and are known as the "trade winds." We had
lost them for more than a week with the calms and squalls taking their
place. As
these winds came in yesterday afternoon we had a spinnaker run for more than six
hours giving us a speed in excess of six knots most of the time, It is too
dangerous to keep this sail up at night because of the risk of unseen squalls
approaching in darkness, so we revert to our trusted twin rig, a pair of
Genoas poled out each side, This configuration is a common downwind rig but
not often seen in more northern latitudes. It is extremely powerful,
but we pay the price in chafe (wear) which has to be monitored
regularly. My
watch had the breakfast to make, which is not easy in a boat rolling 30 degrees
each way, fortitude wins over in the end as does cussing every seventh wave! The
big roll, we managed ceareals, followed by bacon and egg rolls and a cuppa
tea. Bob
has been trying his hand a fishing again, I have to report with little
sucess, in fact he has not had a bite. James
has been busy studying the text books on celestial navigation and practising the
exercises, the time is fast approaching when we will have to get the Sextant
(sun gun) out and do some real navigation. The G.P.S. has made us all very
lazy. We will try a sun sight at noon and see how we get on. With
less than a thousand miles to run to St Lucia, the anticipation of land fall is
growing; we are beginning to hallucinate about cold beer and steak! Our
route has taken us further south than normal, looking for those illusive trade
winds ,we have run 2014 miles to date and have 984 nm to go, which
will make our passage about 3000 nm, our rhum line route was
2700nm. Well
the radio schedule is upon us yet again, so will keep you posted with more
tomorrow. Best
wishes and love to all at home. Paul |