Half Way to Bermuda.

64:29W Sunday
10th May 2009 Good
morning to you all, I have just finished my watch and come below to keep you up
to date. The first thing is that one of our crew has had severe sea sickness
since the start, I am able and pleased to report that he is now much better and
taking fluids again and even eating his first meal since departure, Guy and I
were quite worried, being out of helicopter range for a medivac we were
considering the possibility of a trasfer to a passing ship with better medical
facilities however all is now well. The weather and sea conditions are much
improved and the forecast is more of the same with high pressure building
towards Bermuda. We
have all heard the tales of the Bermuda Triangle, this afternoon the auto pilot
dropped the course, when re connected the Fluxgate compass was 50 degrees east
of track compared to the ships compass. We put Drew on the wheel for half an
hour then continued with the auto pilot for perhaps an hour with this
discrepancy, it then suddenly gybed the boat and locked back on to the correct
heading. The only explanation is an intermittent fault on the Fluxgate
compass or we sailed over a strong magnetic force! Well what do you think?
Spooky or what. With
a fully fit crew we can now relax in to the original watch pattern of two hour
on and eight off, this is already making life much easier than the three
hours on and six off we have been running. Guy
has been busy today practicing his celestial navigation, the Sun Gun
(Sextant) has been out of the box, It is extremely difficult to measure the
angle from horizon to sun on a small boat bouncing around on deck,
despite these difficulties his Sun Run Sun gave an intercept of just three
miles from our GPS fix. Well done Guy, I have taken a sight of Venus in the
western sky with a full moon the horizon is very clear, I have yet to do
the calculations I will let you know the result if it is not too
embarrassing. Guy
in appalling conditions on our second night out produced a
chicken casserole that boosted morale for those of us able to enjoy this
feast. It was my turn tonight in more benign conditions we had baby pork ribs
with fresh vegetables followed by a fresh fruit salad. It seemed to go down well
and there seem to be no after affects as yet. Guy also baked our first
loaves of bread this passage ,it was so good the crew were tucking into it
before it had time to cool. Today
we logged another exceptional days run of 173 n.miles, the log at the moment is
reading 417 n.miles since leaving Tortola, the average speed being 7 knots
proving the real star is not the crew but Libertad, she sails on through the
heaviest seas without so much as a whimper. All credit to Hallberg Rassy and
their design team Enderlin. The
night watch now is fantastic, not so many stars because of the full moon,
but 11/12 knots of wind on the starboard beam is still giving us 6:5 to
7:0. We
have to report our positions every day at 13:00 UTC to the headquarters and they
then plot them on their web site with the Google earth chart, anyone can log on
to www.worldcruising.com/arce
and follow our progress homeward bound. With
half the journey completed to Bermuda our spirits are high and we are settling
in to the twenty four hour routine of watch keeping, I was the SSB Radio net
controller today which involves broadcasting the weather forecast to all ARCE
boats and requesting lat/long positions of each vessel and relaying the
information to Cowes in the Isle of Wight via iridium
e-mail. If
the wind holds we are hoping for another good days run, being more
than half way we celebrated with a film evening watching an episode of Coast
from the Western Isles to Shetland, Orkney and the East
coast. Well
I hope this finds you all as contented as the crew of Libertad, Best wishes
Paul. |