Day 7 position 27: 46.183 S 154: 52. 484 E 1200NZT

Professional Skipper
Sat 22 Aug 2015 02:33
24hrs covered 88.2 nms, at 1200NZT we’re 88.2
nms to Cape Moreton
All going good, we have had a little problem with
one of the invertors but its not a show stopper as we have plenty of redundancy,
we are pushing a southerly flow so have lost the great speed se saw yesterday.
Currently we are punching along at 5 to 5.5 knts. At the moment we are looking
at a arrival time on Sunday of approximately 0340 NZT at Cape Moreton, the
entrance to Moreton bay, from there its about 3/4 hours to the Marina we will be
clearing into near Brisbane
CBD. All is well and i think the guys are champing at
the bit to get on
shore! Good
sailing Dave,
Mark, Geoff, Alan,
Martín |