Day 8 Position 34 05.148 S 156 04.309 E 1200NZT

Professional Skipper
Sat 26 May 2012 10:10
24hrs run ~ 106!!!
nms 26/05/2012
I guess you are all wondering why we had such a bad day at the office, At about 2400 last night the wind swung round and came directly on the nose and given the wind speed and sea state at the time we had no option but to head close hauled with a reefed main up!!, simply we are beating into 30 to 39 knots of wind with 4 to 6 meter sea also head on it isn’t making for a comfortable ride I can tell you, basically if we get the forecast wind shift we are so looking forward to we won’t be in Sydney until Monday or maybe even Tuesday. Wilhelm is taking a bit of a pounding on the waves
but is handling it well. We have been running around today replacing nuts and
bolts that have or are about to come loose, we’ve finished that now so we are
just waiting for the weather to give us a break!!
By now i sure you guest that the weather didn’t
back off and it doesn’t look like it will for a while.....I just want it to
change direction.
be back later rather than
Mark, Steve &
Bernie |