Day 8 Position Report 27 59.44 S 165 36.31W 1200FPT

Professional Skipper
Fri 9 Mar 2012 22:27
We covered 164nms In the last 24hrs we are only about 100nms to
go before our distance to go is less than a 1000nms to Auckland that is a major
milestone for all of us and as they say it’s all downhill from there onwards.
Not that technically it hasn’t been all downhill from the start!!have covered
another respectable distance of 162nms leaving us with 1227 nms to the east
coast of New Zealand.
We dropped the headsail today and sail tapped the bolt rope seam up on
the foot of the sail for some 3 mtrs long. The wind is pretty much useless at
the moment light and the forecast indicated that it could be this way for the
next 2/3/4 days, it's a good job we had got enough sailing in to start with so
we are now in a position that we can motor sail all the way to NZ if we need
The weather is good sunshine and a hot 32C, it is noticeable getting
quite cool at night I even put some jeans on last night!!! what is the world
coming too? bring forward global warming I say!
Mark, Ashley & Jess |