Day 19 Position Report 08 58.78 S 158 03.125 W 1100CIT

Professional Skipper
Wed 28 Sep 2011 21:51
Diesel Bugs, Engine
problems and a modified 'Kar-Zaa'!!
I was hoping to give
you guys some good news about the engine on Orongo but I don't really have
anything to tell you yet I suspect that the head gasket needs changing but I am
waiting for a call from a guy in Rarotonga that has the same engine hoping that
he may be able to shed some light on the problem, the diesel bug problem is a no
brainer its just a pain in the ass doing it I am hoping to get that sorted
In short I have emptied
all the 200 ltrs drums into the port tank and that leaves me free to pump the
diesel out of the Starboard tank into the drums so that I can open the
inspection hatch in the tank (approx 1.5 x 1.2 mtrs) and clean out all the
diesel bug before I filter the fuel back into the tank. That in itself doesn't
sound to difficult but is very time consuming as the tanks' inspection hatch is
held in with something approaching 96 nuts and bolts.
However it has to be done and definitely won't happen on its own. On a lighter note I have
modified the 'Kar-Zaa' thanks to some essential parts courtesy of the Manihiki
Administration and I have attached a picture below of its latest
evolution. I know there will be a few of you that will be discussed with
this subject!!!! but let me tell you this is like a 3 star hotel compared to
just a
Anyway enough of that
crap, excuse the pun!
I have attached a few
pictures of Penrhyn, for those of you sensitive to toilet talk Don't scroll