Day 13 Position Report 38:15.83S 144:40.111E 1420NZT

Professional Skipper
Tue 20 Jan 2009 02:20
heads, thinking how pleasant the last two days sail or should I sail motor
sailing had been when the engine dropped revs and then stopped pushing the
yacht forward at all, we were all begining to think that the boat didin't
want to go to Melbourne at all!
After closer examination it was found that we had lost the propeller, so
we made a couple of phone calls and got hold of Melbourne water Police and
then set about waiting for anout three hours waiting for then police to
arrive to tow us both it.
This they did with extreme care and thanks to Andrew and Terry we now find
ourselves in Queenscliff Marina everybody safe, sound and the yacht is
morred safey we no apparent damage after here tow in.
That's all from the crew of Akatea, I'll update my future trips as and
when they turn up.