Re: Day Four Postion 31 15.373N 032 18.957E - 0000

Professional Skipper
Thu 23 Aug 2007 09:18
Late last night we we arrive in Port Said and no we
are sitting in Port Fouad Yacht Club waiting to be measured before we go through
the canal hopefully today, whilst getting local help mooring stern to the port
side line was left too slack and caught around the propellor so in a moment I'm
going in the water to try and free it. apart from that all is well.
Now as most of the people I have told about this
website know where I live they will appreciate the pain I have to go
through to say this...yes Mark H the boxing kangaroo is flying in Port
Said....well Mark H did promise me a 18 year old blond virgin once I get to
Australia, however I'm not holding out much hope because I know they are an
indangered species in Aussie!!
Just a Qucik update the mooring line ws only
wrapped arrounf anf shaft and wasn't damaged or streched so it came off very
There is an American war ship going through the
canal today so we will all have to wait until tomorrow to move