Azores Over Half-Way

Wandering Dream
Steve Litson
Wed 11 May 2016 11:40
40:00:2N 041:37:4W
Wednesday 11th May 2016
Not Such a Perfect Day
Some days things just seen to go wrong...yesterday, first we discovered
that the genoa furling line had rubbed holes in the ghoster sail. Then, the wind
had dropped and the main sail was flogging a little as we rolled from side to
side with the waves. Looking at the sail, I noticed a tear in the Main by the
number two reefing point on the luff (forward edge of the sail). The wind
dropped further and it was time to put the engine on, only as we tried to put
the engine into neutral to start, the throttle/gear lever just slipped. On
further investigation the splines were not holding and the grub screw just
slipped on the shaft’s surface. A pair of mole grips are again in use to control
the engine. After several hours motoring, the wind increased a little, but once
the main sail was hoisted it began flogging and another rip appeared. This time
above the number three reefing point on the foot of the sail. I have a bad
feeling that my main sail is suffering from too much UV and has become weakened.
We will be treating it with a little more tlc from now on.
Poor Progress
As predicted, little wind yesterday. We spent most of the day motoring and
it wasn’t until gone 2300 hours that we could hoist sails again. This morning we
are bobbing along at a good pace.
Fish Fiasco
We have had our lines out for two days now and apart from some initial
interest which we didn’t land, the fish have resolutely boycotted our lures. I
know the fishing rigs are good, perhaps the regular visits from dolphins are
scaring them all away. However, a real treat this morning a huge whale was
spotted off our port side by Jen, as it dived, its back just seemed to keep
going. Was it a sperm whale? Or could it have been a rare Blue whale, we have no
information on Blue whales, where do they live?
Miles travelled in the last 24 hours: 99 miles
Miles to the Azores: 662 miles |