To Trinidad

Wandering Dream
Steve Litson
Fri 4 Mar 2016 12:31
08:57:0N 056:42:2W
Friday 4th Match 2016
The Day of the Dolphin
Four visits during the day and at least three types of dolphin: Common,
Striped and Spinner. The last pod were off catching fish and jumping and leaping
through the waves, in what appeared to be a coordinated way.
Lunar Quest ETA Grenada
On our twice daily radio contact with LQ we were informed that they were
slowing down to approach Grenada, eta Sunday. We are doing all we can to arrive
Sunday in Trinidad. We have sent an email to Trinidad Coast Guard to advise them
of our eta. They are being much more vigilant after the recent pirate attacks
off their coast.
Miles travelled in the last 24 hours:174 miles
Miles to go: 398 miles