Passed Half Way, Durban next

Wandering Dream
Steve Litson
Fri 13 Nov 2015 08:58
27:19:1S 043:52:2E
Friday 13th November 2015
When the Whales Came
Short finned Pilot Whales a just so utterly awesome! We have seen so little wildlife on this passage, the occasional shearwater has made an appearance. But yesterday, the whales came to WD and just kept coming. “Look!” Shouted Bryony. Seeing them first, they were just immense, many at least half as long as WD, just serenely gliding along. Young and old alike, they were were swimming four abreast, sometimes even more. We could see them in front, astern and to port. As the came out of the waves, they blew clouds of spray from their blow holes. Their high pitched songs could be heard on deck and was even louder down below. Then astern, a four to five metre long whale surged up from the water and with a huge splash, turned and landed on its back. Two whales to port, leaped clear of the water and arced back in perfect choreographed unison. There were forty to fifty whales around us. We are not the only animals to play, these magnificent creatures, chasing, diving and splashing, were just loving life and frolicking in the waves.
As they slowly left us, going south, we consulted the books to identify what we had seen. We are so lucky and privileged to witness raw nature in all its wild splendour!
Over Half Way
A beer will be drunk with lunch today to celebrate halfway. So far we have escaped the notorious weather that can happen south of Madagascar. The wind is very light, but we are making slow but sure progress. It looks like we couldn’t have chosen a better weather window, all being well we will make Durban by Wednesday / Thursday.
Miles travelled in the last 24 hours: 122 miles
Miles to Durban: 687 miles