Still Motoring to Christmas Island

Wandering Dream
Steve Litson
Sun 20 Sep 2015 04:26
11:16:6S 125:24:0E
Sunday 20th September 2015
Windeo, Windeo, Where For Art Thou Windeo?
Not here that is for sure! An interesting phenomenon this morning, the sea
was so flat that it was impossible to see where the sea ended and the sky began.
It was made even more surreal when dolphins seemed to break the surface in the
reflected clouds. They came under the bow to play as usual and were so clear,
they could have almost been flying! No I haven’t been taking anything
hallucinogenic, it was just plain weird looking. Quite a special start to the
day. But we do want some wind please!
That seems to be holding out. No more oil leakages, air filter remains in
place and fan belt is still good. Hopefully it will keep on chugging away, with
no more problems. I’m checking on it like it is a new born baby at the moment.
Fuel topped up, another 100 litres added to the tank, that’s about two days
Australian Maritime Coastguard
They visited us again yesterday, two fly arounds and a radio chat. Still
very formal, normally I’d be on first name terms after the first meeting. Denis
has made me promise not to upset them; they asked me yesterday to confirm we had
two people on board. I responded, that we hadn’t picked anyone up since leaving
Darwin and yes, two people were still on board. Ok, perhaps a little rude. I’ll
watch what I say next time. They promised a return visit today. I guess I’ll be
formal too, a bit dull though.
Miles travelled in the last 24 hours: 97 miles (mainly due to stopping to
repair the engine)
Miles to Christmas Island 1217
miles |