Tobago Cays

12:37:8N 061:21:3W
One of 'the' places in the world to sail...Tobago Cays
Today Wandering Dream left Clifton, Union Island and sailed to Tobago Cays. A distance of some six miles. Here we dropped anchor in crystal clear turquoise water having weaved in through the reef. The area is a National Park and protected by a warden. No fishing, dinghies must proceed slowly and go directly ashore, no anchoring off.
We swan with turtles! Huge turtles and close enough to touch. I thought they were shy and we'd not get close. How wrong could I be! All the wildlife is unperturbed about man. We saw fish, so many colours and sizes, again I was amazed that the tropical fish I had seen in friend's aquarium would be so tame. We climbed back aboard WD tired from so much snorkeling but content to spend a night anchored in a little bit of Heaven, surrounded by uninhabited islands and protected by a coral reef.
Then Denis offered to cook dinner. "I'll do it," he said, "it can't be that difficult." My version of Heaven would have had a proper chef. Still I was grateful, it is good to be waited on, no complaints really!
I have been totally obsessed by the power usage on WD. Ever since the diesel generator died I have been monitoring the batteries and making lists of daily readings. Well today with the wind gen and the solar panel pumping out the power we ran our fridge 24\7, made fresh water for an hour and had cameras plugged into the inverter. The out come was a resounding success, no power loss and the batteries are now so full the regulator is sending power to the and old fashioned electric fire. Now maybe I can learn to trust the installations and relax.