
Wandering Dream
Steve Litson
Mon 13 Oct 2014 10:55
37:11:1N 001:49:0W
Awoke at 0800 and rechecked the weather warning, it had disappeared.
So we quickly departed Aquilas. A little swell, but nothing to indicate that
yesterday was stormy.
It was Oscar’s 19th birthday, my youngest son, so I called him at after
lunch for a chat and to wish him a great phones are so useful!
Amazingly the card I had posted three days earlier arrived that morning.
We arrived in Garrucha after an uneventful sail. Garrucha is a commercial
port exporting gypsum. We were entertained by an endless stream of large lorries
passing along the commercial quay, dumping their load, and big bull dozers
piling it high. Then the diggers further along were picking it up and loading it
into hoppers for the conveyor to load onto the waiting ship. A noisy process
which started at 0700.
Our empty marina had security gates that anyone could climb around, was a
popular place with the locals for their bank holiday stroll. Nothing was open,
no supermarket for tomorrow’s supplies. Not a problem though as the forecast was
grim we would wait another day. Water was another issue, the taps
looked as if they had never been finished and none of our selection of
connectors would fit. We decided that if no one else had managed to connect then
even if we could, the water would have stood in those pipes a very long time –
so we would wait for the sweet water at Agua Dulce.
Garrucha is a pretty two street town, renowned for it’s seafood. The
problem seems to be a mix of bank holiday and off season closing, very few
restaurants were open. We did find one, were the only customers to begin with
and had an excellent meal.
Next day, we were determined to find a laundry as we now had the time. So I
awoke and stuffed all the laundry into a bag ready for washing. I strolled down
to the shower feeling pleased that everything was ready for the morning, as I
got out of the shower I realised the towel was in with the laundry....what to
do? I decided rather than dry with my t-shirt, I’d use the recycled cotton bag I
use for my wash bag. I arrived back on board with a very drippy bag, which Denis
found hilarious! No empathy apparent at all! We asked at the marina, in my best
Spanish, and were given directions to a laundry. The young lad even came out of
his office to gesticulate the way. When we got there, no laundry. We asked three
people, all of whom said Garrucha doesn’t have one, the town that way does. Oh
well, we’ll have to wash a few things out by hand. Hopefully, Agua Dulce will
have some facilities.
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