
David Whitaker Spotted
After much head scratching, texts, unanswered phone calls and texts. We discovered the illusive David was already on Mayreau, in fact he had gone passed WD yesterday evening in a speed boat. This does put the question 'Too many beers?' They were in the next bay to us - Salt Whistle Bay to our Saline Bay. 30 mins apart.
However, this morning the crew of WD played hosts to the crew of Pole-Pole and we finally met. I am pleased to report, David was still keen to become crew even after the meeting and viewing. We were all not doubt on best behaviour so hopefully longer term all will go well.
Pole-Pole having rafted up, left to anchor and breakfast and WD began the twenty seven mile passage to Bequia (pronounced Beckway). The forecast was for fifteen knots of wind all the way. However, we were able test the new fixings for the solar panel and some pounding waves on the wind generator mast, as we had twenty to twenty five knots of wind all the way.
Royal Clipper - Star Line
Like something from a film set as we arrived in Admiralty Bay we were greeted by the wonderful sight of Royal Clipper a five masted cruise liner with sails. Actually, the aft two masts are also exhausts. But she is super impressive.
After, a good wander around the North of Admiralty Bay we finally got the anchor to dig in and were alongside the town of Port Elizabeth by 1600.