Good to be back with Marie Antoinette

RAVEN - Atlantic Circuit 2021-22
Richard Foulkes
Mon 6 Dec 2021 18:39
16:34N 48:59W

A series of squalls last night had us all up on deck a couple of times to reef etc. Unusually the squalls continued after sunrise and we ended up on reef 3 for a few hours. Early afternoon , the winds and seas settled nicely and I had Marie running for a couple of hours, the first time in about 10 days and could enjoy the scenery being on watch ……then it all went to rats with wind dying, we gybed, shook out another reef, swapped pole to other side etc etc, only for more squalls and reef needed again!
So a frustrating day, we can see that VIENTE is opening up the gap and have to hope they sit in a wind hole for a while and get clobbered with lots of motoring time penalties .
Thanks Louise for the 711 date information!
No fish caught - to be fair we haven’t tried in ages and still have lots of food in fridge so we won’t starve. And Graham is a bit too engrossed in his book to be fishing, James busy eating Oreos and me having IT hassles!