and time stood still

Tue 11 Jul 2023 10:31
Well an eventful few days, yesterday we needed to adjust the ships time to match our longtitude and in the process the main analogue clock we look at habitually to determine whether it is time to change watches, to eat or even communicate with passage guardian to say we are ok, broke so now we are all confused by the wrong time being displayed. It is not a big issue really watches, the computer and the GPS all show the correct time, but we like looking at the clock!
this morning our windsteering gear had some cogs jump out of registration making it do the wrong thing. So that was time leaning over the back of the boat having to put it right what is more that is the second time on this passage it did it 10 days ago. The previous time was crossing the atlantic so maybe there is some wear in the teeth of the gears now.
I suppose that this is the first long passage for a while so we are discovering all the things which need attending to. Don't get me wrong we made every effort to scrutunise and check stuff before leaving but you just cannot replicate the rigours of this sort of passage whilst in a sheltered stretch of water.
we still have about 14 days to go, we both think this is a long passage though it is similar to the Pacific in duration that was much easier on gear and crew.
still it just means the beer will taste all the better