Mr X position report 15/11

Fri 15 Nov 2019 02:55
Afternoon Folks
well we have not travelled far in the last 24hrs as you can see. Still no wind and even the most optimistic predictions do not have the wind filling in until tomorrow evening and even then it is not really that much just some movement. Are we down hearted?....well maybe a little! To cap it all we are moving so slow we will have a reef growing on the hull so will fail the biosecurity inspection!
Had a look at the engine today to see if i could make it work ok but no luck really. It started and ran for a few minutes and did not race but i had to fiddle with the stop control on the injector pump to get it to start probably got pulled too hard yesterday. We were unnerved by some white smoke from the exhaust and turned it off. But maybe we should have left it to let it clear. Anyway when i plucked up courage to try again i could not manage to wriggle the stop control on the injector pump...will probably try again tomorrow but i need some sleep now as it has not been restful and being tired when working on the engine is in my opinion unwise as you make mistakes.
so SOG 0.8 knts
COG 160
Wind 5knts but with the swell gets knocked out the sails
distance to go 566 miles