Day 15-Arrived safely in St Helena;

Thu 20 Mar 2025 18:42
15 55.04S : 004 54.0W

1:30 pm
Day 15
Atlantic Ocean
St Helena

We had a lovely sail yesterday, still plodding along but very agreeable in the sunshine.
The night shift however was extremely frustrating, the wind dropped, and dropped and dropped, till there was hardly a puff of air... Sail flapping along, nothing we could do, except watch the ETA go from 6.00am to 6.00pm... at some point Ian was talking about another night at sea, not something we really wanted to consider.... and then the wind came back just as i was getting up...
Day light is around 6am and i was ready, coffee in hand for my first glance of St Helena... Got it through a very thick cloud... could only just make out the outline of the peaks, but still a very welcomed sight. We were 30 miles away, another 6 to 7 hours to go before we reached the anchorage, but the clouds soon evaporated and we had a lovely relaxed end to our passage to St Helena.

Another sight, not so welcomed was awaiting me when daylight came... droplets of what looked like blood were dotted all over the coach roof... My first thought was that Ian had cut himself, although he had not said anything at the 4am change over... I had to know, so I woke him up
Did you cut yourself last night?
Did you cut yourself last night, there is blood all over the coach roof?
Huh, no, it was the flying fish...
What do you mean it was the flying fish... did you catch it with your bare hand, bit his head off and let his blood drip all over the boat as a sacrifice to Neptune?
Huh, no... it got caught in the net and i just put it out of his misery! and with that he went back to sleep.
Thank goodness for that, no harm done, but that was an awful lot of blood for a flying fish!

So we have now arrived and safely anchored in the bay in front of Jamestown. We have been ashore with the little yellow water taxi, and we have done all the officialdom. Had a quick look at the village, had a coffee and a cake, bought a SIM card and got back onboard... We know few of the boats in the harbour and we thought of joining them for a drink, but we are both tired, tomorrow we'll go and paint the town red!!