on the move

Mon 17 Dec 2018 23:09
We checked out of customs and immigration at Aruba pressing so hard on the wall that we popped a fender! We are now sailing in the direction of Cartagena in Columbia. This is a place i am really looking forward to as i have never set foot on South American soil, plus there is all the latin american food and music which must be good especially around christmas. Anyway to move off the travelogue and onto the sailing it is force 5/6 with about 2.1m waves all directly astern makes the boat rolly and cooking dinner was a challenge. we have 2 prepared meals but i elected to save them as it might be lumpier tomorrow night and the night after that. We should be at Cartagena late thur or fri morning if all goes to plan. Travelling at a similar time are several other boats not that we can see them but we all left within a 6 hour window following many swaps of weather forecasts and strategies for rounding the capes along the way (keep off this one tuck into this one etc) we are all trying to round these in daylight as it is rougher than the open water bits. first one should be tomorrow breakfast time. I will let you know!