sad to leave Cartagena

Thu 3 Jan 2019 21:52
09:59.0N 076:36.1W

Well Christmas and new year in Cartagena Columbia was great but it is back to sea now as we head towards the San Blas islands and Panama.
The conditions are lively around 15-20 knots on the beam for the rest of the night but tomorrow am it is set to drop which will leave us with a decision= do we press on an hope to get into the anchorage which needs eyeball navigation before tomorrow evening or do we slow down and sit it out another night and go in sat morning ...nothing is ever straight forward. at the moment we are set to be there right at the limit of safe entry and i suspect we will slow down tomorrow am, so i think it will be another night at sea but just mooching around until it is light enough to enter.

We have been sailing with the main up which is a rarity these days and even had the asymmetric kite up this morning! All fun but probably will return to genoa only later tonight once it is apparent that we will have to wait to enter.