Famous in India

Paul & Derry Harper
Wed 9 Feb 2011 19:11
Wednesday 9th February
After a number of attempts at trying to contact the local police with no response we upped anchor around 10:30 and made our way out of the bay. We hadn't got very far when a small rib came flying in our direction and instructed us to wait for the police. Soon after a larger rib full of men came out to us. Miss Tippy had all of our documents and we tried to get the police to head towards them but instead out of the five boats they chose to board Sol Maria, the only boat without visas! Typical! We were all a bit nervous for a minute or two, until it became clear that the officials were more interested in having their photos taken than looking at our documents. It was quite a novelty having five boats anchor in their part of town so they had brought the local press and dignitaries to film it. All boats had to line up so the officials could stand at the bow of Sol Maria and have their picture taken with us in the background. It was quite amusing but it did delay our departure by a couple of hours and we were eager to get on our way.
Boarding Sol Maria
All boats in a line for the photographs