Across the Pacific - Day 16

Paul & Derry Harper
Fri 9 Apr 2010 08:00
08:53.092S 134:.27.551W

Friday 9th April

I always like to give a bit of info about where we've been or where we are so here goes:

The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on the planet. It is almost twice the size of the Atlantic and covers almost a third of the earth's surface. At 64 million sq miles, its area is greater than that of all the earths land masses combined. The ocean is a huge expanse of water, empty of all but the smallest spots of land.

The Pacific is an ocean that needs time. It has been two months since transiting the Panama Canal, we now have five months to explore until we reach Australia mid August. Our first port of call is French Polynesia which includes the Marquesas, the Tuamotus, Tahiti and the Society Islands. The Marquesas are a group of high islands with no fringing reefs. Only six of the fifteen islands are inhabited and our first port of call is Nuka Hiva where we will arrive around midday on Sunday.

Once again we've had a quiet day on board Jackamy. The engine is still on and we're tootling along crossing off the hours. We do have some news actually....Paul no longer has his blonde curls! It was time for a trim as it was starting to look unruly so now he just has a few blonde bits. I think it looks nice though, even if I do say so myself! It could have turned out a lot worse considering the rocking motion on the boat. He was very brave letting me so close with a pair of scissors!