37:05.983N 001:25.494W

SV Eleonora
Michael A. Andronov
Fri 14 Sep 2018 11:15
UTC 0935 The main reason I’m sending thin update — to make the actual track on the map closer to reality… ( There have been a lot of short tacking over night… But those were the desperate attempts to find at least some wind… and to avoid the fishing boats, which were plenty ) It is a nice day outside… Sunny, a bit of wind, but coming right from the direction of the Cartagena… And every time I tack, the wind is shifting a bit to push me a bit further away… Normal life of sailing… But at least we are sailing, no complains on that one. The flatness of the sea — make it a big easer to go through beating… Finally, as I realise that we are getting further and further from the shore… I tacked toward the coast line… And I got my good lesson in Spanish…. Out speed overground ‘jumped’ from the ‘poor’ ~4.3 kts to the ‘miraculous’ ~ 6.0 kts… At the same time, speed to destination (VMG ) dropped ( yes, went down… ) by a bit more then 1 kts… since the angle is worse… So, we are ridding faster, towards the beautiful coast ( according the book), and much slower to out desired destination at the same time… What does it do with Spanish ? Simple, better understanding of the word ‘Manana’…. ;-) And indeed, what is the reason to rush ? It seems that even if we arrive to Cartagena tonight, it would be too late in the evening… So, instead, I’m looking through the guide now, for plans C, D, etc… The weather is good. Everything is good on board too. Talk to you later, M. |