Passage to Minorca: first night..

SV Eleonora
Michael A. Andronov
Wed 21 Sep 2022 08:55
40:48.167N 007:21.277E
UTC 0810
Well, it is still 153 nm to go to Mallorca...
As you can easily figure out – the night did not went really well... There is story behind this night... Actually, the set of stories... But at
this point – they are put aside, for better time to tell...
The bottom line – or I should say the morning line – is:
-- we are still desperately looking for the wind;
-- Our seed over ground, SOG: ~4,0 at the moment... But so variable that it is probably does not make sense to mention it here; -- Our course over ground, COG: is 233T... Though we need to go 247T... But we can not do that since what ever remedy of the wind is in the air – does not allow us... So we are doing reasonable compromise... -- The computer took yesterday criticisms, and today is telling that ‘ one day in future we should be around Minorca... ‘, and recommends keep doing what we are doing... -- Wind... Hmm... Ok, wind: 322T, NW, from anything close to 0 to 6 knts... --- The sat phone – works, but computer does not want to talk through it...
So, I’m typing the message for the record, and it will arrive to the blog... But
when it will be available... I have no idea...
On another side, it is a beautiful sunny day. The boat and myself a
bit sleepy after the short rest at night, but we are doing good...
The crew noticed – and informed captain about it – that all the weather models are converging into one single fact – it will be the wind in the stretch from Minorca and Sardinia. And with high probability – kind of diagonal wind... He also agreed, that with any wind direction, we eventually hit the land... The captain and the boat took the news with relief and appreciation! ( The crew – smart chap... indeed, they taught well in old days, on the Physics department! And he has definitely spent his life in since... he remember multiplication table! Why he is on boat? ) So, everything is under control, and is going well!
Talk to you soon!
Michael. Phone, texs, whatsapp, telegram: +1(514)
609-5645 |