45:02.285N 14:00.708W
SV Eleonora
Michael A. Andronov
Tue 10 Jul 2018 10:15
UTC & local time -- 0936
3427.5 nm gone...
How many left? A few minutes ago
-- computer was predicting 470 nm...
But then, we tacked... We did because
the wind veered even more, pushing us to SW, to Spain... The
good parts about it -- it was predicted ( but supposed to take place much
earlier... ( Some weather observations let me to believe
that the bureaucracy & haoc are not only haracterictics
of the most modern Word capitals... But something may not working
smooth in the Weather department too... ) And the second good part -- it
will be backed ...
For us -- for the boat and myself -- it translated
in the following:
-- we tacked a few minutes ago, and we are moving
NNW.... We are gaining North position on the map... We are doing better speed
over the ground, but much slower VMG. ( velocity made good, or in plainer
English -- the speed, wich which we are approaching the destination... )
It is still positive... But I would call it PSD ( parking spot drifting )
-- we are going to keep that course for a while...
There has been a promise, that the wind will back closer to afternoon, and then
we would be able to tack again... and go towards the land, rather then to
-- It also means that the coffee on stove would
have the tendency to spilll towards the cabinets, not me... Which is also
positive, for a change...
So, we all set, we keep going, we have a list
of things to do...
But why be in a rush? Have you ever seen
rushing 'Flying Dutchman'? No, that exists only in the movies...
In reality -- the men with the boat, in sea
-- never rush... Per each 'to do' item on the list, there is at least a few
solid arguments why not to do it today, especially now... There are
exceptions from the rule.... like the beer is already too cold, or
the T-punch should be taken on the Sun set, and the sun set -- is now...
But those exceptions -- only confirming the rule in general...
And --- to rush where? Where should the
potential 'Flying Dutchman'' rush to ? What port of destination and the
reason(s) might be?
Beinig occupied by those thoughts -- I would
probably move my 'nest' in the boat saloon from starboard seatty to
the port one... Take a the John Carri book, a nice ditective novel... and
I'll will wait till the the wind backing...
All for now...
Talk soon,