Nov 12, 2021 From Mallorca to Almeria...

SV Eleonora
Michael A. Andronov
Fri 12 Nov 2021 20:24
39:17.160N 002:19.054E

UTC 2024

We are finally moving... The motor is off...
We got the wind, which I claimed had been stolen... No, it was not...

With only main sail, with 1 reef in it... we are going  around 6 knts...
The swell make the boat move from side to side a bit...  Looks like a bit rolling inside the boat...
But my dear friend autopilot -- is really busy...

Probably, the autopilot is an old romantic chap... He constantly stering the boat in the middle the Moon light road ahead of us.... Did not notice it at first... But course numbers are jumping, as the middle of Moon light road -- ho..
The sky full of stars...

In ideal -- it would be nice to make autopilot pump life easier... But I do not know what ahead of us in terms of  weather..  So far -- pretty fair following winds,  swell, on back quarter of the boat... ( rolling, but comfortable ).
But who knows,  who ordered this weather, and what to be around the corner ?

So, everything good,

Talk soon

COG: 223T
SOG  6knts
wind: NNE, 20 knts T