37:44.281N 25:39.852W
SV Eleonora
Michael A. Andronov
Sat 30 Jun 2018 11:36
We are at the same marina, Ponta Delgata…
Preparing to the next passage, which should started shortly. But there is still some tasks on ‘todo list’…
Simple, really simple… Just put 2 blocks in place…
Which brings the question — re-writing Shakespeare’ famous one — ‘ To climb or not to climb the question is… ‘
Yes, I would like to double check the blocks on top, and I would like to re-attached the blocks for my friend gennaker… You newer know what the weather on the passage would be…
I like only two moments in climbing the mast….
First, when I started… At this point — no questions, no hesitations… Go, go, go… The challenge and the ‘pain’… to get to this point…
Second one… when I’m back… promising myself I would think again…..
So, climbing gear out, checked… Time to go…
Talk later…