37:44.281N 25:39.852W

SV Eleonora
Michael A. Andronov
Sat 30 Jun 2018 11:36
UTC & LOCAL 1128

We are at the same marina, Ponta Delgata…
Preparing to the next passage, which should started shortly. But there is still some tasks on ‘todo list’…
Simple, really simple… Just put 2 blocks in place…

Which brings the question — re-writing Shakespeare’ famous one — ‘ To climb or not to climb the question is… ‘
Yes, I would like to double check the blocks on top, and I would like to re-attached the blocks for my friend gennaker… You newer know what the weather on the passage would be…

I like only two moments in climbing the mast….
First, when I started… At this point — no questions, no hesitations… Go, go, go… The challenge and the ‘pain’… to get to this point…
Second one… when I’m back… promising myself I would think again…..

So, climbing gear out, checked… Time to go…

Talk later…