35:42.826N 43:40.159W

SV Eleonora
Michael A. Andronov
Tue 12 Jun 2018 12:47
UTC 12 10
1564.5 nm done.
Over the last 24 hours -- we covered 175 nm,
and that seems to be the best so far...
But the wind is still there... and we are speeding
A delicate dilema now -- there is a cold front
somewhere infront of us within 24-36 hours... I hope Chris calculate
its sourthern border right, and I hope I calculate my
'climbing' -- gaining latitude -- speed right... and we would avoid
meeting together... ;-)
As typing -- for the next hour or so -- the boat is doing
above 9 kts... Anybody gives 10 ?
It is amazing how the boat is doing... I can see now
why SWAN 57 -- predecessor of my boat -- has such a success as a racer...
Combination of speed and swell -- making the ride
feels as the airplane turbolence... But no heeling...
Just a bit of movement and corrections as tne swell hits...
Everything OK. Hopefully, will catch some sleep
during the day....
Have a great day,