39:04.223N 006:41.165E
SV Eleonora
Michael A. Andronov
Sat 13 Jul 2019 07:03
UTC 0645
The morning brought -
-- some tremendously slow progress;
-- some ripples on the water, as reminder
that when the air moving, it should be winds; Seeing that, instead of the
black well polished mirrow -- much better...
But still there is no 'winds, suitable for sailing... '; -- the raising Sun, which is promissing another hot
day. It is already 30.3 degrees C in the cabin... Yesterday 35C maximum
would be probably bitten today...
-- Computer fairy talle, that it is about 85nm to
the proximity of the Sardinia Sourth West coast...
-- Discussion, which day is today,
Friday or Saturday... ( The date 13th has been agreed relatively quickly... )
Good sign, indicating that we are getting lost in the Time...
The night has been pretty quite, except
a few big ships... But they were on radar from the early beginning, and
then the AIS picked them up... So, they were easy to negotiate...
At the moment, we are slowly progressing towards
the land. Increasing amount of radio activity comfirms that. The
dominating Italian language provides hope, the land ahead is Sardinia... rather
then some unknown peace of land...
SOG: ~4.5 knts
COG: ~095T
Wind: ( the joke on the wind ): ~312T, no
suitable for sailing... // I should be careful with that, since I'm nearly sure
-- as we come close to the land, it would start to blow in the most
none-appropriate moment...
That is all for now!
Talk soon,